It is already brighter than 9th magnitude, going to peak at +6m in February 2012, and still would be brighter than 10m till June 2012.
See details at Seiichi Yoshida's website have made my first comet observation this year...

well, this gonna be my 12th comet

July 8/9, 01:25 EET
20х90 bino, LM=11.8m
Comet altitude 40°, Sun altitude -15°, excellent transparency, moderate light pollution, ZNELM~5.7 (Bortle class 5/6)
2009P1 2011 07 08.98 S 8.9 TJ 9.0B 5 20 2.7 s3 ICQ XX KOS05 Have seen 35 Pegasi (4.9m) both naked-eye and within the same FOV with the comet. Comet is an easy target with averted vision, however moderately faint with direct vision. Something stellar-alike was visible inside the coma.
Sketch to follow