These are the last storm photos. I'll post the TIV2 photos and some other non-storm photos I took tomorrow.
These photos were taken in Kingfisher OK. Our leader , Bill,had obviously seen the wall cloud as we drove along on the main road so he turned left off it ,past a few houses and then to the open grassed area you see in the photo. As we pulled up by that open area I saw the monster wall cloud sitting there. I'd never been that close to a wall cloud before. It looked to be in the next field - once again the size of a structure made it deceptively close - one of the guides said that it was a mile or so away - well, I suppose that's close in wall cloud terms Lol. On this occasion I had no desire to get nearer to it, not least because it was a rotating wall cloud lol. I had a feeling that this monster wasn't at all benign and might do something nasty..this soon turned out to be the case and Bill, being a chaser of great knowledge and experience ,saw it coming - well, the green of it told me that there was a fair amount of hail up there that might soon be down on us and our leader was soon shouting to us quote.. " back in the van or we'll get pummelled" We were soon all back in our respective vans but not until I'd got my fisheye photos of the wall cloud - after all that's why I got the fisheye. So, we got back in the vans and our van was driven to the nearest cover which was a double sized car wash .
I have to be honest with you here Lol...Before we pulled in under cover alongside a large RV vehicle Bill asked who wanted to get out. Well, not wishing to miss a photo op. and considering I enjoy 'Hero Member' status on this forum I felt duty bound to get out with a camera and a tripod...a dumb move it turned out. My only consolation was that two others were of a like mind. We went round the other side of the RV .We'd failed to appreciate the winds that would accompany the storm bearing in mind a car wash is open ended so in effect a tunnel ...are you getting it now ??
..) and also we very soon discovered that the two windows 7 foot long X 2 feet high (slots really) above us at 10 feet had no glass in them..You can imagine what happened.
The said storm duly arrived and very soon we were being drenched from the rain/hail being driven by the strong winds through the car wash (at first I wondered if someone had put some money in the machine and started it up as a joke..Lol.) and in addition there was stuff coming down on top of us from the windows..there was,as they hiding place. This didn't stop me from trying to take a photo - I mean, after all that's why I'd opted to get out of the van. I managed two before things deteriorated and stopping the camera getting wet was my priority. Fortunately, one of the other two lent me a camera cover. This situation went on for about 15 minutes. We agreed that, maybe, we'd made an error of judgement. We eventually went round the other side of the RV where at least we got away from the stuff pouring in from the windows..we were absolutely drenched. We got back in the van and Mr. Chirpy ( another guest /participant) who had sensibly stayed in the van said that we'd be ok when we got to the hotel which was only two and a half hours heart sank..then he burst into laughter and said he was only joking and that it was only 20 minutes away in Tulsa and so it was.
I had to suffer a warm blow radiator in the room all night to dry my clothing and trainers but the next day they were dry. Did I regret it ? Well, to be honest,no. It was a heck of an experience and you wouldn't get that sitting in the van looking at the storm through the windows. I've never experienced rain/hail like it but their drains coped with it - if that happened here they'd have to get the Coastguard out to rescue people
So, here's the photos and against my better judgement I've even included one I took from the car wash- the light was very poor,almost dark and I had to go hand held at 400ISO- I'm wedded to my tripod but even I recognised that there are some occasions, this being one, when setting one up isn't the best option . I could have wanted the ISO up a bit more to 800 plus but it's not the kind of thing that comes to mind in that situation.