« on: October 21, 2010, 09:09:56 pm » |
« Last Edit: October 21, 2010, 09:15:50 pm by JohnC »
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« Reply #1 on: October 21, 2010, 10:30:43 pm » |
I have to tell you again John, you take great aircraft photos.. Makes me want to get to an airshow sometime next year. If we can get down to my boy's place in Southern California next Spring, it's only about a 3 hour drive to where the Blue Angels do their Winter practice in El Centro and put on an airshow before leaving on their tour. The Hercules is a beautiful plane, that one is a C-130J 6 blade turbo-prop with Rolls-Royce engines, generate 4,700 HP each. I couldn't find any info about England having the C-130J, but it's the only one with 6 blades. Great shots!
Martin Mc Kenna
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Posts: 5182
Maghera, N. Ireland
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2010, 12:41:17 am » |
I will second what Richard said, you are great at aircraft photography!, the colours contrasting against the grey sky really are beautifully captured. Great to see images of the mighty Hercules in action!. I think future airshows are a must for you John 
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2010, 11:09:15 pm » |
Another great set John, well captured-i love looking at these. 
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2010, 05:28:42 am » |
On about my 10th trip through looking at your aircraft photos I finally noticed the RAF Roundel on the fusalage and tail of the C-130J. They started putting this toned-down version of the original red, white and blue roundel on camouflaged aircraft back in the 1970's, it shows up much better on the Bell.
« Reply #5 on: October 23, 2010, 07:47:57 am » |
Top shots again John! 
« Reply #6 on: October 23, 2010, 09:04:40 pm » |
Your getting about a bit John, never tire of pics like this. 
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2010, 08:47:39 pm » |
Many thanks all, as ever, very much appreciated. When I take a photo now, I say to my wife, 'they'll love this one, they'll love that one' lol.
Richard-I'll leave the info. and proper ID to you if that's ok with you as as I only know the basics, I'm more on the photography side than aircraft enthusiast but I only take what I like of course and I do like to watch the military aircraft and commercial ones too - I just think they're fascinating. I must put a few I took last year at Heathrow en-route to my annual chase Tour and if you've got an opportunity to get to see some it makes for a great day and we'd be keen to see what you have over there too.
Dave..Lol.Yes, you've hit the nail on the head with the 'getting about a bit ' comment. We went to Cornwall on Friday 10.00am intending to stay overnight and return Saturday but we stayed until this afternoon (Sunday) and arrived home at 5.45pm. We have two cats (14 years olds) and I haven't wanted to leave them on their own but our good neighbour came in ,fed them and sort of said 'Hi'. They were fine when we got back although one ignored us for a while then gave us a row as they do. Cats don't have owners,they have staff. lol. Our neighbour also filled the bird feeders which was another worry so, we really enjoyed the trip. I'm sure you'll just love some of the photos - one in particular that just amazed me - weather related. I got through 5 CF cards - 4 X 4GB. and a 2GB and started on a 16GB..I've just started transferring them. You'll like this My last shots were of a tree on an M5 motorway service station on the way home earlier. We drove in and the sun was shining on this lone tree and the leaves were a wonderful autumn yellow,don't know what it was though, maybe someone will know when I post it. ..the camera gear was packed away but I couldn't help myself and got it back out. Maybe I need some counselling Lol.