The geomagnetic field is expected to range from quiet to active levels with a slight chance for minor storm periods at high latitudes for the next three days (05-07 March). Model guidance suggests a possible arrival on day two (06 March) of an Earth-directed CME observed early on 03 March. This slow-moving CME is expected to bring a slight chance for major storm conditions at high latitudes. Activity levels are anticipated to decrease on day three (07 March).
I hope something hits... I'm sat right on the north coast of Anglesey, North Wales, this weekend - I was even optimistic about the possibility of aurora and so brought the camera and tripod with me. Staying with my parents who have had lovely blue clear skies all week... Arrived friday night when it slowly became cloudy, and now it's completely greyed out with sea fog from the Irish sea spoiling any chance of viewing anything past 30 yards. Just been looking at sat24 and will be more luck than judgement if it does clear up... Fingers crossed!