Amazingly the sky
was clear here, I spent an hour from 0230 to 0330 concentrating on Jupiter, Io's shadow was seen in transit (dark spot in the eqautorial zone) but I did not see the "impact mark". The seeing was however rotten, so much so in fact that I took the precaution of setting up my FLT 110 as well as the CPC 1100, the FLT was giving a much less wobbly image and I did some imaging with it - maybe something will show up on them. First decent transparent sky for a long time (between occasional clouds), and it
nearly went dark ... great night capped off with an astounding display of NLC!
Edit: Just finished a rough process of the red channel images; though the quality is poor because of the bad seeing, I do believe that I've captured the "impact mark" - just above the lowest part of the image below. It's at the limit of visibility I'm afraid but it's there and it's in the right position, a bit past the meridian.

2009 July 20, 0234 UT, William Optics 110mm f/7.7 fluorite triplet refractor, x4 Imagemate, Astronomik type 2c red colour seperation filter, Imaging Source DMK41 camera.