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General Category / Astronomy & Space / Re: M1 Crab Nebula
on: December 08, 2010, 12:32:42 am
Thats a beautiful image Mark, both you and the kids have done a fine job. Never ceases to amaze me the results the kids can get with these scopes, and they enjoy it as well. I am no expert in the processing either I'm afraid, but there are those on here more up to speed and I'm sure will only be too glad to help. I have about 100 free mins on the "Rent-o-scopes" at Mayhill NM USA but have never found out yet how to use it. Some of these days I'll surprise myself! Great image, congrats to the kids!
General Category / Astronomy & Space / Re: The Moon at 1.98 days old.
on: December 08, 2010, 12:16:11 am
Thanks very much lads glad you like them. The crescent moon is always a big draw with me. I was a bit disappointed that the earthshine was so faint as I love to try and bring out the features. However the moon in this case was fairly low and that tree was on the horizon and I knew once it was behind that well session over. Pity about the wind/rain Richard I was hoping you might get the difference time wise, maybe again. It's too cold to stay too long as we have about -12 here at the minute and could go much lower.
General Category / Astronomy & Space / Re: Just for a change.......
on: December 03, 2010, 12:26:52 am
Thanks very much Keith, you got a lovely image yourself. The cold was amazing, I couldn't find my mittens and at times I could hardly feel the press release cable. It wasn't really wise to stay out longer than needed! However it was worth it just to see that view, nature at it's best!
General Category / Astronomy & Space / Re: Just for a change.......
on: December 02, 2010, 05:17:26 pm
Thanks all! I don't read minds Martin! Got another few shots of the conjunction this morning (Dec 2) and it was beautiful, but it was darn cold out. I had three layers on and still felt cold! I had a stroke of luck though, I was just setting up and across came the ISS, I didn't know as I didn't check Heavens Above. I got two images but the second was partly behind cloud. In this one the little cloud close to the moon displayed a partial corona. Use the annotated image above to find you way around.
General Category / Astronomy & Space / Just for a change.......
on: December 01, 2010, 04:42:46 pm
......some astronomy! These images were taken this morning at around 06.45 of the nice conjunction between the Moon Venus and Saturn. The hard part wasn't taking the images but leaving a nice warm bed to do so, but I'll maybe try for round two tomorrow morning as well.