Title: 11/11 1:11:11 Post by: Roman White on November 15, 2008, 10:54:45 am How many "1"s can you count? ;)
This is my very strange hobby... to watch for special numerical combinations on the clock. (http://s44.radikal.ru/i105/0811/41/d35f344e348c.jpg) Now I'll tell only about "1" It was November 1st with 9 "one"s + 2 additional in 19.1 deg.C Couldn't catch the moment at 11:11:11 11/11 with 10 "one"s because I wasn't home :( The special date will be 2011/11/11 at 11:11:11 with 12 "one"s! :D ;) Title: Re: 11/11 1:11:11 Post by: martinastro on November 15, 2008, 07:00:11 pm That's pretty cool Roman. Thanks for a very unusual post and image. :)
I always get synchronicity with 11.11, I see it everywhere, and now I seen it again on your post and image :). Apparently many people throughout world see this combination too. Uri Geller is a big believer in its siginifcance. Title: Re: 11/11 1:11:11 Post by: brianb on November 15, 2008, 09:37:56 pm Quote That's pretty cool Roman. Would have been cooler still if the temp was 11.1C ... ;DPerhaps you should get a binary display clock, then it would read all zeros or all ones rather more often. Title: Re: 11/11 1:11:11 Post by: Tyler on November 16, 2008, 01:15:18 am lol. bet you made a pretty sweet wish!
Title: Re: 11/11 1:11:11 Post by: Roman White on November 16, 2008, 08:40:22 am Quote That's pretty cool Roman. Would have been cooler still if the temp was 11.1C ... ;DPerhaps you should get a binary display clock, then it would read all zeros or all ones rather more often. Binary display clock?! Now I really want to buy that thing! ;D In such moments I usually don't think about making any wishes, neither I do when seeing a meteor ;) Martin, thanks that you told me about Uri Geller, I read an interesting story about 11.11 ( http://newsite.uri-geller.com/en/are_your_eyes_attracted_to_11_11 ) Title: Re: 11/11 1:11:11 Post by: martinastro on November 20, 2008, 05:09:11 pm Thanks for the link Roman! That's exactly the same page I read years ago on the subject. There was a fabulous talk show on the radio with James Whale years ago on the subject of 11.11 with Uri. It was fascinating. The phone calls from the public which followed were awesome.
I do get alot of synchronicity myself. Most people call them coincidence but I don't believe in coincidence :) Title: Re: 11/11 1:11:11 Post by: jgs001 on November 24, 2008, 08:17:04 am Interesting image Roman
Title: Re: 11/11 1:11:11 Post by: Roman White on November 29, 2008, 09:12:37 pm Interesting image Roman Don't miss it in 2011 ;D ;)Title: Re: 11/11 1:11:11 Post by: Roman White on September 09, 2009, 07:39:17 pm Today is an another special day! Or you have forgot about it? ;)
It happens only once per century (plus you may count 2090.09.09 09:09:09 which has the same number of nines and zeros) So here it comes: 2009.09.09 09:09:09 (http://i29.tinypic.com/n99x0.jpg) (that is a frame extracted from a video which my mum has captured during I wasn't at home...) P.S. No, don't think that I have missed the event myself. :) Although I was attending a serious lecture at the university, it didn't prevent me from catching the magic moment with my mobile phone (http://i27.tinypic.com/6f1b88.jpg) Title: Re: 11/11 1:11:11 Post by: rjgjr on September 09, 2009, 09:08:34 pm I'm a little slower than you Roman, but kind of had the same idea, less a couple of 9's.
(http://i25.tinypic.com/2zz466a.jpg) Title: Re: 11/11 1:11:11 Post by: Roman White on September 10, 2009, 07:36:10 pm I'm a little slower than you Roman Of course I know that - exactly 10 hours later ;)P.S. I have noticed that no other clock in my home except of the weather station displays all necessary 9's (including years). Hmm... Title: Re: 11/11 1:11:11 Post by: Roman White on September 20, 2009, 09:43:59 pm Mmm... another interesting date is today:
20.09. 2009, 20:09 (http://i37.tinypic.com/2hs3s5w.jpg) Title: Re: 11/11 1:11:11 Post by: rjgjr on September 20, 2009, 11:50:01 pm That is a very interesting hobby Roman, but you're entirely correct!
Title: Re: 11/11 1:11:11 Post by: Roman White on January 11, 2011, 08:53:55 pm The special date will be 2011/11/11 at 11:11:11 with 12 "one"s! :D Not yet....But 11 ones have been provided today in the morning. 2011-1-11 11:11:11 Have got the proof picture as well... ain't I'm crazy? ;D Title: Re: 11/11 1:11:11 Post by: markt on January 11, 2011, 10:30:08 pm Cool stuff! ;D
Title: Re: 11/11 1:11:11 Post by: Roman White on November 11, 2011, 09:40:44 pm Yahoo! - here it is, 11/11/11 ;D Proofpic of 11:11:11 11/11/11 to follow |